Pharmacy Technician Second Year Paper 1 McQs Sample Paper

This is an SAMPLE PAPER of Pharmacy Technician Second Year Paper 2 consist of Books of Pharmaceutics 2 (Industrial Pharmacy) and Pharmaceutics 3 (Hospital Pharmacy) uploaded on Punjab Pharmacy Council (PPC) site, I discovered a few Mistakes in McQs Answer Key given by PPC, I realize the significance of correct information, that is the reason I choose to Address these mistakes for my Pharmacy Technician Students.

Pharmacy technician solved Paper



1. Which one of the following ways is Hospital Pharmacy Services NOT
similar to Community Pharmacy Services?

A. Maintaining drug treatment records
B. Ordering and stocking medications and medical supplies
C. Providing information about the proper use of medications
D. Enforcing how opened unit doses can be returned to stock
E. Preparing medications in various dose forms for dispensing

2. What are Outpatient Pharmacy Services?

A. Many hospitals offer these services such as nutrition support,
pharmacokinetics, critical care, and other specialties.
B. Most hospitals have a drug information service that is primarily
responsible for making recommendations on a drug formulary.
C. Many large hospitals need to serve the medication needs of
patients discharged from the hospital, as well as for those
patients who are seen in the emergency room or other
ambulatory clinics adjoining the hospital.
D. Many hospitals provide expert consultations in such areas as
pediatric pharmacology, nutritional support, and

3. ________ is used in the hospital pharmacy to increase accuracy and
improve efficiency and quality of pharmacy services.

A. Automation
B. Technology
C. Marketing
D. Robotic procedure
E. Medication

4. The optimal pH for the enzyme rennin is:

A. 2.0
B. 4.0
C. 5.0
D. 6.0
E. 8.0

5. The purity of an isolated protein can be tested by employing various

A. Solubility curve
B. Ultra-Centrifugation
C. Molecular weight
D. Immuno Ractivity
E. All of the above

6. Which of the following is required for crystallization and storage of the
hormone insulin?

A. Mn++
B. Mg++
C. Ca++
D. Zn++

7. The first enzyme isolated, purified and crystallied from Jack bean
(Canavalia) by summer in 1926 was:

A. Urease
B. Insulin
C. Ribonuclease
D. Zymase
E. Enzyme

8. Drug substances most frequently are administered orally by the means
of solid dosage forms such as _______ and _______.

A. Tablets … capsules
B. Forms … periodics
C. Drugs … tablets
D. Capsules … forms
E. Periodic … pills

9. Appropriate preparations that could be dispensed over-the-counter to
treat motion sickness include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Stugeron
B. Avomine
C. Kwells
D. Motilium
E. Phenergan

10.How many tablets of prednisolone 5 mg should be dispensed to a patient
who has been prescribed prednisolone 25 mg for 5 days?

A. 5
B. 125
C. 25
D. 50
E. 45

11.Hospital pharmacies carry out a number of unique activities such as unit
dose drug distribution system, repackaging, floor stock, and an IV
admixture/TPN service. What is an advantage of a unit dose drug
distribution system?

A. There is no advantage, it is a standard
B. It helps with management
C. It is protocol
D. It saves money and reduces the chance of medication errors
E. It makes distribution easier

12.Under the organization of the hospital, which committee is responsible
for the prevention of nosocomial infections in the hospital?

A. Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
B. Disease Control Committee
C. Infection Control Committee
D. Institutional Review Board

13.Communicating in the hospital setting often means working with a wide
variety of other healthcare providers. Understanding what role they play
in the patients’ healthcare is essential to effective communication. What
duties does a phlebotomist have?

A. Assessing patient’s readiness for surgery
B. They are involved in the diagnostic testing of infants, children
and adults with underlying medical concerns including disease
and sleep disorders.
C. To help people who suffer from chronic respiratory diseases
like asthma, bronchitis and emphysema.
D. Their function is to draw blood from a patient for clinical or
medical testing, transfusions, donations, or research.
E. To practice in the field of health sciences focusing on safe and
effective medication use.

14.Ibn Baytar (d.1248) described some 1400 drugs derived from various
plants including some 200 new plants in his book “Kitab al-Jamey fil
Adwiya alMufrada”. Which of the following is Ibn Baytar credited with

A. various types of foods and drugs and their effects on a person’s
B. the preparation of drugs by sublimation and distillation
C. more than 350 colored renderings of plants and animals
D. the earliest known herbal treatment for cancer: Hindiba
E. discourses on melancholy, a treatise on pulse and one on
materia medica

15.The pH at which an enzyme has maximum activity is known as:

A. Optimum pH
B. Isoelectric pH
C. Low pH
D. High pH
E. Maximum pH

16.The amino acid which has a pK near 4 and thus is negatively charged at
pH 7 is:

A. Alanine
B. Glutamic acid
C. Glutamine
D. Aspargine
E. Threonine

17.What is the most appropriate treatment that could be dispensed over-
the-counter for irritation caused by contact dermatitis?

A. Eurax cream
B. Canesten HC cream
C. Hydrocortisone cream
D. Clarityn tablets
E. Pevaryl cream

18.A 24 years old woman comes to the pharmacy with a new prescription
for amitriptyline 25 mg tablets, two tablets t.d.s. The label produced for
the medicine dispensed to the patient should include:

A. take two tablets three times daily
B. take two tablets four times daily
C. take two tablets three times daily after meals
D. take two tablets three times daily before meals
E. take one tablet three times daily

19.You have in your pharmacy a cream containing 0.5% w/w
hydrocortisone. You have been requested to use this cream as a base
and to add in sufficient calamine such that the final concentration of
calamine in the new cream will be 10.0% w/w. What is the
concentration of hydrocortisone in the new cream?

A. 0.3% w/w
B. 0.45% w/w
C. 0.5% w/w
D. 0.05% w/w
E. 0.045% w/w

20.Which of the following is NOT an example of Chemical incompatibility?

A. Precipitation
B. Colour change
C. Effervescences
D. Insolubility
E. Decomposition


21.What are the different methods of family planning? Discuss advantages
and disadvantages of Diaphragm?

22.What are the five rights for correct drug administration?

23.What is first falling-rate period in drying process?


Q #. Right Choice
1 D. Enforcing how opened unit doses can be returned to stock
2 C. Many large hospitals need to serve the medication needs of patients discharged from the hospital, as well as for those patients who are seen in the emergency room or other ambulatory clinics adjoining the hospital.
3 B. Technology
4 B. 4.0
5 B. Ultra Centrifugation
6 C. Ca++
7 A. Urease
8 A. Tablets … capsules
9 D. Motilium
10 C. 25
11 D. It saves money and reduces the chance of medication errors
12 C. Infection Control Committee
13 D. Their function is to draw blood from a patient for clinical or medical testing, transfusions, donations, or research.
14 D. the earliest known herbal treatment for cancer: Hindiba
15 A. Optimum pH
16 B. Glutamic acid
17 C. Hydrocortisone cream
18 A. Take two tablets three times daily
19 B. 0.45% w/w
20 D. Insolubility

21. What are the different methods of family planning? Discuss advantages
and disadvantages of Diaphragm?

Family planning involves various methods to control the number and spacing of children. Some common methods include:

Birth control pill 95% effectiveness

Some protection against ovarian cancer

Cervical cap 60% to 80% effectiveness

Can last for one to two years

Contraceptive injection 99% effectiveness

Effective for one to three months

Intrauterine device (IUD) 96% effectivenes

Effective one to ten years

Male condom 86% effectiveness

Reduce the risk of many STI, Available over-the-counter, Inexpensive


Diaphragm 80% effectiveness

Can last for one to two years

Advantages and Disadvantages of Diaphragm:


  1. Reversible: The diaphragm is a reversible method, allowing women to discontinue its use when they desire pregnancy.

  2. Non-Hormonal: Unlike hormonal methods, the diaphragm does not involve the use of hormones, making it suitable for women who cannot or prefer not to use hormonal contraceptives.

  3. Immediate Effect: The diaphragm provides immediate contraceptive protection once fitted correctly.

  4. No Interruption of Sexual Spontaneity: Once inserted, the diaphragm does not require removal or additional steps during sexual intercourse.

  5. Few Side Effects: Diaphragms generally have fewer systemic side effects compared to hormonal methods.


  1. Effectiveness Depends on Correct Use: The diaphragm's effectiveness depends on correct insertion and proper use, which may require training and practice.

  2. Doesn't Protect Against STIs: The diaphragm provides no protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is solely a contraceptive method.

  3. Possible Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may be allergic to the materials (latex or silicone) used in diaphragms.

  4. Spermicide Use: The diaphragm is typically used with a spermicidal gel or cream, which may cause irritation for some women.

  5. Need for Refitting: Significant weight gain, loss, or childbirth may necessitate refitting for an accurately sized diaphragm.

  6. Interrupts Spontaneity: While it does not interrupt sexual spontaneity once inserted, the need to insert it before intercourse may still affect spontaneity.


    22. What are the five rights for correct drug administration? 

    The "Five Rights" are a set of principles aimed at ensuring the safe and accurate administration of medications. These rights serve as a fundamental framework for healthcare professionals, including nurses and pharmacists, to follow during the medication administration process. The Five Rights are:

  7. Right Patient:

    • Ensure that the medication is prescribed for the correct patient. Verify the patient's identity using at least two patient identifiers (such as name and date of birth) before administering any medication.
  8. Right Drug:

    • Confirm that the medication prescribed matches the medication to be administered. Check the medication label and compare it with the medication order. Be attentive to look-alike and sound-alike medications.
  9. Right Dose:

    • Administer the correct dosage of the medication as prescribed. Double-check the dosage calculations and ensure that the amount to be administered aligns with the healthcare provider's order.
  10. Right Route:

    • Administer the medication by the correct route as specified in the prescription. Common routes include oral (by mouth), intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM), subcutaneous (SC), and others. Confirm that the chosen route is appropriate for the specific medication.
  11. Right Time:

    • Administer the medication at the prescribed time. Follow the prescribed schedule to ensure that the medication is given when it is most effective and aligns with the patient's routine or specific healthcare needs.

23. What is first falling-rate period in drying process?

In the context of drying processes, the first falling-rate period is a phase during which the rate of moisture removal from a material decreases gradually. The drying process typically consists of different stages, each characterized by a distinct rate of moisture removal. These stages are known as falling-rate periods.

The first falling-rate period occurs after the initial, rapid moisture removal phase known as the constant-rate period. During the constant-rate period, the moisture content decreases rapidly as the surface moisture is quickly evaporated. Once the surface moisture is depleted, the drying process transitions into the first falling-rate period.

In the first falling-rate period:

  1. Moisture Removal Slows Down: The rate at which moisture is removed becomes slower compared to the constant-rate period.

  2. Internal Moisture Diffusion: Moisture removal is now controlled by the internal moisture diffusion within the material. The moisture must travel from the inner layers of the material to the surface before it can evaporate.

  3. Gradual Moisture Content Reduction: The moisture content decreases at a decreasing rate during this phase.

Understanding the falling-rate periods is essential in optimizing drying processes for various materials, including food products, pharmaceuticals, and other industrial applications. Engineers and scientists use this knowledge to design efficient drying systems and control parameters such as temperature, humidity, and airflow to achieve the desired drying outcomes.


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I believe that accurate information is Key for the educational and professional growth of individuals. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding these questions or corrections, feel free to reach out.

Best regards,

Muhammad Rehan

Pharmacy Technician Academy


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