Pharmacy Technician Second Year Paper 2 McQs Sample Paper

This is a SAMPLE PAPER of Pharmacy Technician Second Year Paper 2 consist of Books of Fundamentals of Pharmacology, Fundamentals of Computer and Social Behavior LAw & Ethics uploaded on Punjab Pharmacy Council (PPC) site, I discovered a few Mistakes in McQs Answer Key given by PPC, I realize the significance of correct information, that is the reason I choose to Address these mistakes for my Pharmacy Technician Students.




1. The ability of drug to bind with its receptor is known as:
A. Intrinsic Activity
B. Extrinsic Activity
C. Availability
D. Affinity
E. Sensitivity

2. What do you called if there is rapid decrease in responsiveness after
administration of drug?
A. Tachyphylaxis
B. Dependence
C. Addiction
D. Hypersentivity
E. Hyperreactiviy

3. The female are more susceptible to autonomic drugs because estrogen
A. Increase metabolism of autonomic drug
B. Increase absorption of autonomic drug
C. Increase elimination of autonomic drug
D. Inhibit choline esterase
E. Stimulate choline esterase

4. Which one of the following is used for the diagnosis of myasthenia
A. Methacholine
B. Bethanecol
C. Pilocarpine
D. Physostigmine
E. Edrophonium

5. Which one of the following anti-epileptic drug belongs to hydantoin
A. Carbamazepine
B. Phenytoin
C. Diazepam
D. Valproic Acid
E. Ethosuximide

6. Which one of the following is converted into Phenobarbital?
A. Primidone
B. Ethotoin
C. Trimethdione
D. Nitrazepam
E. NaBr

7. Which one of the following is intravenous anesthetic:
A. Diethylether
B. Halothane
C. Ketamine
D. Enflurane
E. Chloroform

8. Which one of the following is NOT the advantage of chloroform:
A. Non Inflammable
B. Non Explosive
C. Non Irritant
D. Cheap
E. Wide Margin of Safety

9. Which one of the following used in cyanide poisoning:
A. Calcium Channel Blocker
B. Beta Blocker
C. Nitrates
D. ACE Inhibitor
E. Alpha Blocker

10.Which one of the following anti-asthmatic act by preventing mast cell
A. Atropine
B. Albuterol
C. Ephedrine
D. Cromolyn Sodium
E. Verapamil

11.Pharmacy ethics is a branch of _____ ethics.
A. Legal
B. Social
C. Medical
D. Social and legal
E. Legal and political
12.The Poison Act, 1919 extends to the _______ of Pakistan.
A. Federally administered areas
B. Whole
C. Capital
D. Provinces

13.According to the Dangerous Drug Act, 1930 “dangerous drugs” includes
A. Coca leaf, hemp and opium and all manufactured drugs
B. Coca leaf, hemp and opium
C. Coca leaf and hemp
D. Hemp and opium
E. Coca leaf and all manufactured drugs

14.According to the Dangerous Drug Act, 1930 “ to export from Pakistan”
A. To take out of Pakistan
B. To take out of Pakistan by land
C. To take out of Pakistan by land and sea
D. To take out of Pakistan and by air cross
E. To take out of Pakistan by land, sea or air cross

15.Definitions of various terms used in the Punjab Drug Rules 1988 are
given in section ________ of the same Act.
A. 3
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6

16.CPU is:
A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Software and Hardware
D. Malware
E. Spyware

17.What does “Delete” command do?
A. Deletes the characters
B. Does not delete the input from key
C. Checks the spellings
D. Corrects the grammar
E. Aligns the paragraph

18.Ctrl + B key in MS-Word:
A. converts selected text into the next larger size of the same font
B. adds a line break to the document
C. makes the selected text bold
D. applies Italic formatting of the selected text
E. makes the selected text colored

19.What is referred by the term ‘Hypertext’?
A. That links a PC to server
B. Text which is used between a PC and ISP
C. Text which can be read with special software
D. Text which is secret
E. Text that links to other information

20.MS Excel sheet consists of _________.
A. Text boxes
B. Rows & Columns
C. Pictures & Drawings
D. Rows & Text
E. Tables & pictures


21.What do you called the unusual response of any drug elicited by an


Q #. Right Choice
1 D. Affinity
2 A. Tachyphylaxis
3 D. Inhibit choline esterase
4 E. Edrophonium
5 B. Phenytoin
6 A. Primidone
7 C. Ketamine
8 E. Wide Margin of Safety
9 C. Nitrates
10 D. Cromolyn Sodium
11 C. Medical
12 B. Whole
13 A. Coca leaf, hemp and opium and all manufactured drugs
14 E. To take out of Pakistan by land, sea or air cross
15 B. 2
16 B. Hardware
17 A. Deletes the characters
18 C. Makes the selected text bold
19 E. Text that links to other information
20 B. Rows & Columns


21.What do you called the unusual response of any drug elicited by an

The term for the unusual response of any drug elicited by an individual is called "idiosyncrasy."

 It implies an unusual or unexpected reaction that is specific to a particular person. Idiosyncratic reactions are often unpredictable and may involve sensitivity or an unusual side effect that is not commonly observed in the majority of individuals taking the same drug. These responses are believed to result from individual variations in genetics, metabolism, or other factors that influence how the body processes and responds to the drug.


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I believe that accurate information is Key for the educational and professional growth of individuals. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding these questions or corrections, feel free to reach out.

Best regards,

Muhammad Rehan

Pharmacy Technician Academy

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